Sunday, February 20, 2011

Me: The Abridged Version

Back in 2009, I took a class at Big Picture Classes called Me: The Abridged Version. The idea behind the class was to create an album, well, all about me. The concept is really cool, but for whatever reason, the project never really got off the ground. Until now. I decided to take advantage of my Layout-A-Day challenge to get going on it and so far, I'm really loving the process. It's pretty fun trying to come up with something that fits with each letter and I'm expecting a pretty special book when I'm done. I want to be able to share it altogether when it's done, but for now, here are my entries for A and B:
The toughest part is finding the right photo for the sentiment and, as you can see, sometimes creativity is the key. 

In other news, I did one of the scariest computer-related things ever the other day... I deleted my iPhoto Library from my iMac. My computer was running pretty slow for a while and my photos were taking up more than 50 GB of hard drive space (that's a little shy of 15,000 photos, in case you're wondering). I did a little research and copied the library to an external hard drive and then did nothing. It took a while, but I finally hit the delete button. 
My mom and dad had more than 100 photo albums in their home that recorded our lives. I'm sure that all my photos would take quite a few more albums than that and I'm so aware of how fragile it is, how fragile computers can be. Anyway, now they're all safe and sound on three different external hard drives, and I have a bit more room on my computer and hopefully it will more a little smoother.

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