Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

MothersDay, originally uploaded by jashepler.

We spent a beautiful and fun weekend down in Portland for Mother's Day. We really lucked out with the beautiful weather and totally took advantage of it. Since I had these fresh photos to use, they became my inspiration for my layout today!

While I was working on this layout, I decided to try creating a layered template as well. I've wanted to do this for a while to save some of my favorite designs so that I might use them again (hey, stick with what works, right?). Anyway, I think that I was successful and wanted to share! Here is what the template looks like:
and here is the link to download it:
Disclaimer: I've never done this before! The way I think this should work is you click the link above which will take you to a page where you can download a zipped file of the template. If it doesn't work for you, let me know! Or, if you know an easier way for me to do this, I'd love to know that as well!


Susanne said...

Okay, I'm impressed that you've already scrapped your Mother's Day, created a great layout and shared your template with us. Thanks for sharing.

Sandi M said...

Thanks so much for the download. I liked this LO a lot in LOAD. Now I can try it out myself :)

The Grounds Family said...

Thank you so much for sharing!