Sunday, April 25, 2010

What I've Been Up To...

I've been taking a class at Little Light Studio called "Bling Out Your Blog". While I'm not much of a "bling" girl, I have been interested in blog design for a while. I can get caught up pretty easily on how things look vs. what they do. I love the idea of a blog as a way to document everyday life, but didn't necessarily love how I could make it look so I found myself just not using it.
Now, it's looking more "me". There will be some adjustments still to come, I'm sure, but overall I'm much happier with how things are looking here.

On the scrapbooking front, this week has been Ali Edwards "Week in the Life" project hosted over at her blog. I started the week with really good intentions, but some technical challenges stumped me mid week. I'm thinking of giving it another go next week, but did capture some nice shots. Here are just a few peeks at our mornings:
1) Alex always ends up in our bed in the mornings. He's pretty sweet to wake up to.
2) Coffee...
3) Off to school
4) Eggo waffles... a new found favorite.
5) Alex is always usually cheerful in the morning

Have a great week!